Death Row Democracy (Web Series)
Synopsis: As humanity transitions its hierarchical systems to their decentralized counterparts, the world is split in two. On the one hand, those clinging to power, believing that a select few must rule over the vulgar majority… On the other, those who believe in the decentralization of power, democracy, and the empowerment of the individual. The political system, fighting to protect itself from change, morphs into a vicious oligarchy, willing to do anything to hold onto power. Libertarian cyberpunks birth a decentralized, untraceable cryptographic digital currency, and deliver it to the masses.. at last a glimmer of hope. A peaceful resistance is born, challenging the status quo by merely doing business in new and innovative ways that take power from the state and decentralize it. The state reacts with force, imprisoning and subverting dissidents, branding them “domestic terrorists” . A darker side of the revolution emerges. A decentralized, anonymous, website wherein the public can place anonymous bounties, using virtual currency, on whomever they see fit. Heads of state, judges, corrupt bankers, oil tycoons… no one is immune from becoming a target. The question is who is on the list? and who is gunning for their bounty?
Through the Eye of the Needle (Feature Film)
Synopsis: Carlos, a Salvadoran war orphan, escapes to the USA in search of a better life. Forced to join an LA gang in order to survive, his dreams of a better life quickly deteriorate… “Why fall in love with life, if we all marry death in the end? “ In a twist of fate, Carlos is re-united with his father, a rich North American textile mogul, who suddenly dies of cancer, leaving Carlos the company and the entire family fortune. Armed with money and power, Carlos finds himself thrust into a world of corporate greed and deception, and it isn’t long before his gang past catches up with him. But it isn’t until he finds out he is a father himself and sees his daughter for the first time that Carlos finally realizes: “Life is only worth living, when you live it for someone else.”